My love of horses began when I was a young girl.
From the City to my Ranching Life
As a young girl growing up in the city, I was totally horse crazy. My family would go camping at the same trailer park every summer, and across the road there was a pasture with horses in it. My dad would park the trailer and my sister and I would take off to stand by the fence and hope that the horse would come to us. We never went in the pasture.
My Hopes and Dreams
There was a stern parental warning never to go in the field because you could get hurt. So we stood there holding our hands out in hopes that we could feel their velvety soft nose. And I remember standing taking in the aroma around me, which was probably manure, and dream of having a horse of my own.
And now ... I look back at that young version of myself with a wistful smile ... realizing that dream and more has come true.
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